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Book Haul Huzzah

FINALLY—as promised—A BOOK POST!

So in between having a wonderful Boston reunion with my awesome CP Maddy and flying through an embarrassing amount of episodes from my latest TV obsession Baby Daddy (do NOT judge it by the name), I’ve been accumulating quite a lot of books and have been itching to post about them.

If you’re like me and cannot buy the endless river of books you want (because, you know, money), the library will become your personal paradise. My library has definitely been mine for a long time. In high school, I was always the girl who hung around the aisles of books, who proudly checked out toddler-sized towers of books, and who even enjoyed paying late fees if only to give more money to the library. Yes, I was that girl.

Oh wait, I’m still that girl.

Except now, it’s getting much harder to plow through those towers of books before they’re due back for return. And boy, do I feel like a sad puppy with its tail between its legs when I have to walk up to the library return slot and dump in my mountain of un-read books.

But—hopefully—not anymore! Since the year is halfway over and I’m still ridiculously behind on my Goodreads challenge (fun fact: this morning I just got an email from GR regarding needing a boost on my challenge—even THEY know I’m failing!), I’m posting my library hauls so that you guys can be my accountability buddies. I SHALL read—and if I fail, you can throw as many virtual tomatoes at me as you want.

So, voila: my most recent library haul, which includes a variety of awesome graphic novels, contemporaries, fantasy, and paranormal that I’ve already made some progress on!

Graphic novels included: Fables by Bill Willingham (devoured and finished), Rat Queens by Kurtis J. Wiebe, Ms. Marvel by G. Willow Wilson and Adrian Alphona, and Nimona by Noelle Stevenson.

Books included: Stone Cold Touch by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Slammed by Colleen Hoover, The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski, In the Night Garden by Catherynne M. Valente (currently devouring and loving), The Winner’s Crime by Marie Rutkoski, and Deadly Descendant by Jenna Black (also finished).

Along with today’s latest library haul, I’m also including a small book haul I indulged in as a little birthday gift to myself. *confetti*

Books included: Uprooted by Naomi Novik (SO excited for this one!), The Black Jewels trilogy by Anne Bishop (finished the first two, now must finish the last because I MUST), along with Darkfever and Bloodfever by Karen Marie Moning.

It’s been my mission to get through my library haul before my birthday one, and so far I’ve been making steady progress which I hope will continue. But if I fail—and I’m really, really determined not to—I am more than ready for the virtual tomato-slinging.

Last note: here is the lovely book hauls all thrown together. Look at alllllll the pretty.

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